Gender is how society defines if your a boy or a girl. It’s different from being biologically male or female. But in the United States, it might soon mean the same. On Monday, October 22nd the Trump administration wants to change the definition of gender. Lots of people spoke out to this memo, including Diana Flynn who is one of the leaders at Lambda Legal. Lambda Legal is a group which fights for LGBTQ rights. "For years, courts across the country have recognized that discriminating against someone because they are transgender is a form of sex discrimination," Flynn says. Many other people also spoke out at a news event. Mara Keisling, a leader of the National Center for Transgender Rights, spoke with many other activists. She says that she feels like she’s in danger because of this memo. There have been many other attacks on the transgender community. They have been refused from joining the army, donate blood and in some cases buy a cake. The government threw out a ...